Every removal of a virus brings about the risk of absolute loss of data on your hard disks even in the case that the removal is carried out by a trained and highly experienced expert.
We are sure that you know about the need of saving your data. But be sincere, when did you backup for the last time? And if you do it periodically, did you ever try to restore the saved data in your computer? And even if you comply with both of the conditions, do you have a backup copy of the backup program in any other place than the infected computer? What will you do if the computer will not be accessible anymore?
So, if you do not have any current backup copy, it is high time that you made it. Nothing else can be done, and you must make it bearing in mind that the saved data can contain the virus and that each future start-up of the computer can increase the level of the infection of the system. But you cannot do anything else. A backup copy is really needed, also in the case that the next work could be done by somebody else completely (especially somebody who bears no responsibility for your data).
The next steps:
If you have performed the above steps, you may continue your removal work. Now you must critically assess your own skills and experience with the computer. If you do not understand computers so much, we do not recommend you to remove the virus by your own forces only. However, if you understand the following explanations, you may try it without any specialized help. How? It is the question that we will try to explain.
Be carefull and avoid the various, so called "would-be experts". If you hear from them e.g. the expression "low level format", run away fast. In fact they may try to destroy you and your data.
Also when you are working in a larger company, contact as the first person your Administrator or the person responsible for computers.